Bear Creek Elementary, Austin Independent School District


+ Project Details

Bear Creek Elementary School
Austin Independent School District Austin, TX
83,584 sf

Located on a beautiful 19 acre site in far SW Travis County, this new elementary school accommodates 522 students and has been masterplanned to grow to 696 students. The previously undeveloped site was heavily treed and had a 60’ drop from the front (along Escarpment, which provides the only access) to the back. There are several environmental features that informed the design including karst, endangered species habitat, strict impervious cover limitations and several watersheds (including the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone). The school was designed as a one story building along the street that houses the main entry and more public functions including Administration, Media Center, Fitness and Dining areas. The three story classroom wing is placed down the slope to mitigate its height from the street and create a courtyard which can be used for outdoor education and dining. The school centers around the site – featuring the geology of the region and connecting to its natural amenities throughout the design. We worked with AISD educators to coordinate facilities with educational goals – creating custom signage that aligns with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

In addition to the emphasis on siting the school with minimal impact on this greenfield site, existing trees were saved to the greatest extent possible. The school is using highly efficient mechanical electrical and plumbing systems. Fixtures were selected for their efficiency and materials were selected based on low VOCs and local sourcing. It was critical to prioritize access to views and natural light throughout the school and acoustic best practices were employed to enhance the learning environment.
