University of Texas Pan American - Campus Master Plan

University of Texas Pan American Campus Master Plan

+ Project Details

Campus Master Plan
The University of Texas – Pan American
Edinburg, TX
Existing: 2,515,418sf Proposed: 9,014,312sf

The University of Texas-Pan American campus is an oasis within the City of Edinburg. Its lush, well-tended landscape and architectural heritage give it civic importance commensurate with its educational role in the Rio Grande Valley. In order to serve its educational mission for the region’s growing population, the University is embarking on an ambitious plan to expand from its current student population of approximately 20,000 students to 38,500 by the year 2035.

The Campus Master Plan, designed in association with Michael Dennis & Associates, accommodates the foreseen campus growth while improving the quality of the campus environment. It identifies the best qualities of the campus, and advocates their conservation and extension by creating a more coherent pattern of buildings, landscape, and open space. The Plan strengthens the pedestrian quality of the campus by minimizing the amount of vehicular traffic on campus and by establishing guidelines to maintain and improve the campus’s plantings, hardscape, and architecture.

Recognition Congress for the New Urbanism – Charter Award of Merit, 2015


Existing | Proposed

University of Texas Pan American - Campus Master Plan
University of Texas Pan American - Campus Master Plan